Saturday, August 15, 2009


I love collaging. It's whatever you want it to be. It's also very useful. I've used it in costuming to convey a general look that I'm going for rather than drawing out a specific outfit. Most of the shows I do involve pulling or finding clothes rather than making costumes, so I can't say exactly what I want because there's no guarantee I'll find (or be able to afford it). So it's great to make a collage of colors or styles that I'd like to convey how I feel a character should dress.

My freshman year of college I made this collage for my "Clothing and Culture" freshman seminar. It is meant to represent how art/architecture and fashion mimic each other. This is that worked in the year 2000:

Recently, for Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, to help us understand our characters, the Assistant Director has us create a collage based on what we thought was sexy. Here's my "Sexy Collage":

I also like collaging just for fun and for art. Ben Franklin has shadow boxes and I made a couple artsy, 3D collages that now hang on my wall. It combines more than just pictures from magazines, there are pieces that I drew/painted in them as well. The photos aren't great but here they are (I haven't really titled them):

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